
Greetings from the President


The greatest value of Serim is presenting a joyful future for you

charman's Message

SERIM is “Nature”. Healthy life which came from soil.

Once sunlight comes to be enough and moisture is plentiful, every life gets to be vital. After Plant comes to be grown up according to its character, it blossoms and it bears fruits and then it exhausts their life by providing seeds and all of animals lives and reproduces according to their nature as well.

Such these animals’s life and scent, sound and related wonderful formation seems that they live for human, however this is just no more than they focus on their method of survival. That is, they do not live for the others, they just focus on their survival and reproducing. Because all creation lives according to their own method, they make the earth wealthy, they could support their lives and reproducing each other.

I also have been living so hard by keeping my original human nature for this business. SERIM is going to provide customers with safe, sound diet and environment that make human’s life satisfying and happy. And we will spread out the management for eco-friendly and life as an honest corporate which gives people satisfaction and enjoy.

Serim Group Chairman - Go Jong hwan