
Serim news


The greatest value of Serim is presenting a joyful future for you

SERIM MULSAN CO., LTD (Co-representative Jong-hwan Go and Tae-kyong Ko) was designated

as a ‘Promising Small and Medium Enterprise in Export’ by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups

in accordance with the Regulations on the Installation and Operation of SMEs Export Support Center.


What is 'Designation as Promising Small and Medium Enterprise in Export'?


'Designation as Promising Small and Medium Enterprise in Export’ is preferential support business

such as overseas marketing, export finance and guarantees of export support organizations

to promising SMEs with high growth potential by designating

as ‘Promising Small and Medium Enterprise in Export’ in Ministry of SMEs and Startups.


As a small and medium enterprise that manages manufacturing and service businesses,

companies with less than $ 5 million in actual exports

in the previous year or the application year can participate

and support services are provided through 20 export support agencies

such as the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, KOTRA and Korea Trade Insurance Corporation.


출처 : https://www.mss.go.kr/site/smba/mss/main.do

A세림물산 a수출유망중소기업인증서(영) 20200101_20211231.png